Saturday, 18 February 2012

More Mod

More Mad Mod pictures. Practicing different ways of arranging light and colour.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012


Just a little picture of Arthur and Mesi I threw together for the holiday :)

Monday, 13 February 2012

Mod coloured

Decided to throw some colour on the Vespa picture.

Favourite Villain

Teen Titans was one of my most loved cartoons growing up, and whether it was the fellow Brit in me or the Escher and Op Art fanatic, Mad Mod was always my favourite bad guy.

Also the fact that you can draw him in almost any circumstance without an explanation being required is a plus.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012


Just a selection of a couple of observation drawings I did of stuff in the apartment. One right handed, one left handed, two mixed.

Friday, 3 February 2012

Goat skulls and bikes

I have very strange dreams. Sometimes I wake up and decide to draw things to do with them. With my left hand.


Created a theoretical 'persona' for myself after a question on my main tumblr account and ended up drawing this guy.
Being an embodiment of what I consider to be my worst qualities he's a complete wanker. Unfortunately he appears to be very fun to draw. This could be dangerous.

Batman: TAS. Character ask blog.

On Tumblr there is a select group of crazy artists such as myself who have adopted various characters from cartoons or literature as muses. People write in to ask them questions, and we draw a response. Good practice for staying in character, impromptu comic writing and getting faster and better as we go (not to mention being very cathartic, in a nerdy way).
Here's a selection of some of the work I've ended up creating for absolutely no profit and lots of laughs.
 Jervis Tetch aka. the Mad Hatter is the property of Batman the Animated Series, D.C. and Warner Brothers.

One Piece- Phobia

A picture I did a while back in homage to Arthur de Pins and Eiichiro Oda.